¿Estás en Актау?

Flat and house renovation in Aktau

Calificación promedio de los especialistas para este servicio
4.6 de 5
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"Renovación de departamentos y casas" en Актау

Азамат С.

3 reseñas
4 solicitudes
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Добрый день. Стаж в строительстве 5-7лет. Занимаюсь ремонтом квартир. Мастер универсал. Опыт работы в укладке кафеле 3г, в сантехнике 3 г. Мои услуги сантехник, электрик, кафель,штукатурка, установка зеркал, телевизор и д.р. Мастер универсал. Делаю аккуратно грамотно качественно.
Поставил кафель, всё чётко. За собой убрался. Работает чисто.
Мурат Бекжанов, hace 4 días

Алия М.

3 reseñas
3 solicitudes
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Делаем качественно ремонт под ключ, и косметический ремонт, обращайтесь,могу даже посоветовать насчёт ремонта как сделать и выбрать вам цвета и дизайн,пишите на ватцап я отвечу,фото и видео ремонта есть,работаем супругом
Бәрі жақсы!!! Алияға мен Дауренге көп көп Рахмет !!!! Адал жумыскерлер ремонттың сапасы керпмет !!!! Алла разы болсын !!!!
Нурлан Утельбаев, hace 7 días

Вячеслав К.

7 reseñas
8 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Опыт работы в сфере электромантажных работ более 15 лет, качество гарантия выполняемых работ.Действуют скидки на большой объем работы
Оперативно приехал, качественно выполнил работу! Рекомендую!
Индира, hace 11 días
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Preguntas frecuentes

“Renovación de departamentos y casas” en Ciudad de Актау

What types of renovation specialists can I find in Aktau through inDrive.Services?

You can find a variety of renovation specialists in Aktau, including painters, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and general contractors.

How do I start the process of hiring a renovation specialist in Aktau via inDrive.Services?

To hire a renovation specialist, simply visit our website, specify your location as Aktau, and fill out the request form with details about your renovation project.

Can I request quotes from multiple renovation specialists in Aktau through inDrive.Services?

Yes, by submitting your project details, you'll receive quotes from multiple renovation specialists in Aktau, allowing you to compare and choose the best option for your needs.

What payment methods are accepted for hiring renovation specialists in Aktau through inDrive.Services?

You can pay for the services of renovation specialists in Aktau through our platform using various payment methods such as credit cards, electronic payments, and others.

How quickly can I expect responses from renovation specialists in Aktau after submitting a request on inDrive.Services?

You can expect to receive responses and quotes from renovation specialists in Aktau within a short timeframe, usually within 24 hours.

Can I hire renovation specialists in Aktau for both small and large-scale projects through inDrive.Services?

Yes, you can hire renovation specialists for projects of any size, whether it's a small home improvement task or a large-scale renovation project, via inDrive.Services.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find renovation specialists in Aktau?

Experience the advantages of using inDrive.Services:
  • Streamlined process: Easily request quotes and hire renovation specialists with just a few clicks.

  • Wide selection of services and specialists: Choose from a diverse pool of qualified renovation specialists in Aktau.

  • Quick turnaround: Receive prompt responses and quotes from renovation specialists, ensuring timely completion of your project.

Can I read reviews or see portfolios of renovation specialists in Aktau on inDrive.Services?

Yes, you can view reviews, ratings, and portfolios of renovation specialists in Aktau on our platform to make an informed decision before hiring.
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