¿Estás en Актобе?

Electricians in Aktobe

Precio promedio por este servicio
₸ 3,000 — ₸ 5,000
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7 especialistas respondieron.
Elige el mejor

119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Los especialistas calificaron
4.0 y superior en el servicio “Electricistas”

Crea una solicitud y recibe respuestas de estos y otros especialistas

Ардак Е.
Identidad verificada

65 solicitudes23 reseñas

Última reseña

Пришел быстро. Сделал все качественно. Работой довольна. Спасибо большое 👍👍👍

Талгат К.
Identidad verificada

28 solicitudes14 reseñas

Última reseña

Ответственный, вообще недорого и качественно. Спасибо большое

Identidad verificada

99 solicitudes63 reseñas

Última reseña

Очень хороший специалист, сделал все быстро и качественно!!

Electric v Aktobe
Identidad verificada

20 solicitudes6 reseñas

Última reseña

Асылбек өз ісінің шебері. Жұмысын біледі. Жарайсың! Рахмет! Қолың дерт көрмесін! Настоящий профи своего дела! Молодец! Рекомендую!

Арман Б.
Identidad verificada

22 solicitudes9 reseñas

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Все прощупал ,тестором прозвонил ,нашёл причину сразу же и устранил

Дархан А.
Identidad verificada

9 solicitudes5 reseñas

Última reseña

Профессионал своего дела. Добросовестная работа, сделал все идеально буду вызывать только его и всем советую

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Con el servicio “Electricistas” en Ciudad de Актобе

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Electricistas” en Ciudad de Актобе

What services do electricians provide in Aktobe?

Electricians in Aktobe provide a wide range of services, including installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical systems in homes, apartments, offices, and commercial properties. They can also handle rewiring, installation and repair of electrical equipment, as well as troubleshooting electrical circuits.

How can I hire an electrician in Aktobe through inDrive.Services?

Finding a qualified electrician in Aktobe on our platform is simple:
  • Visit the inDrive.Services website and select the "Electrician" category.

  • Fill out a brief form with details of your request, such as the type of work, deadlines, and other specifications.

  • Submit your request and start receiving offers from electricians within 5 minutes*.

  • Review the offers, check ratings, reviews, and portfolios of electricians, and choose the most suitable specialist.

What are the average rates for electrician services in Aktobe?

Rates for electrician services in Aktobe may vary depending on the type of work, complexity of the task, and time spent on the job. On average, prices for electrician services range from 5000 to 10000 tenge per hour.

Can I hire an electrician for specific dates and times?

Yes, our service allows specifying specific dates and times for the work to be done. When filling out the request form, you can specify dates and times convenient for you, and electricians suitable for your request will offer their services according to your schedule.

How can I be sure that the electrician hired through inDrive.Services is reliable and professional?

We thoroughly screen all electricians before listing them on our platform. This includes verifying their photos and documents. You can also view profiles, portfolios, and reviews of electricians to make an informed choice.
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