¿Estás en Алматы?

Electricians in Almaty

Precio promedio por este servicio
₸ 4,000 — ₸ 8,000
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7 especialistas respondieron.
Elige el mejor

119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Los especialistas calificaron
4.0 y superior en el servicio “Electricistas”

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Руслан А.
Identidad verificada

6 solicitudes6 reseñas

Última reseña

Молодец быстро окуратно хорошо работает сантехнику и электрику

Айбарыс Т.
Identidad verificada

558 solicitudes361 reseñas

Última reseña

Отличная работа профессионала 👍Очень рекомендую 👌Осталась довольна работой😊😄

Мардали А.
Identidad verificada

321 solicitudes201 reseñas

Última reseña

Отличный специалист! Сантехник быстро и профессионально устранил проблему. Все сделал аккуратно и качественно. Рекомендую!

Кудратжан Х.
Identidad verificada

339 solicitudes143 reseñas

Última reseña

Быстро подзарядил аккумулятор , почистил клемы и сопроводил до заправки( машина все лето стояла и бензин улетучился)

Санат К.
Identidad verificada

355 solicitudes157 reseñas

Última reseña

Прекрасный специалист. Пунктуальный ответственный. Свою работу знает Рекомендую всем

Самгат А.
Identidad verificada

139 solicitudes66 reseñas

Última reseña

Армысыздар! Самғат үлкен рақмет! Машинка установка жасап берде, есікті орнатты. Бәрі жақсы жасалынған!

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Electricistas” en Ciudad de Алматы

What services can an electrician provide?

An electrician is a professional who deals with all things related to electrical installations in both residential and other types of buildings. This includes installation, repair, and maintenance of wiring and electrical appliances. Additionally, they also work with electronic devices and power systems. But that's not all! An electrician's job encompasses much more, including assembling, setting up, installing, and maintaining various electrical devices. This includes everything from electrical panels, house and business wiring, to lighting systems, safety devices, electric heating, and even automation and voltage regulation devices.

What types of electricians are available on the inDrive.Services platform?

On the inDrive.Services platform, you'll find three main types of electricians: residential, commercial, and industrial. It's worth noting that you'll also find offers from automotive electricians. Therefore, regardless of your needs, you'll find a suitable expert on our platform.

What are the benefits of searching for specialists on inDrive.Services?

The ordering process is simple
  • just fill out the form, and within approximately 7 minutes* after posting your request, you'll start receiving competitive offers from specialists. You have full control to choose the specialist. Review ratings, read customer reviews, study portfolios, and prices to make your decision. Be assured that all specialists registered on inDrive.Services have undergone a strict verification process, including document verification.

How can I hire a specialized electrician in Almaty on the inDrive.Services platform?

Finding and hiring an electrician in Almaty on inDrive.Services is easy and convenient: Simply fill out the form with details of your electrical project. After posting your request, within about 7 minutes* you'll start receiving competitive offers from specialists. You have full control to choose the electrician who best suits your needs based on ratings, reviews, service descriptions, and prices.

Why should I trust specialists found on inDrive.Services?

You can trust specialists working through inDrive.Services for several reasons. First, all professionals registered on our platform undergo a rigorous verification process, including identity verification and criminal background checks. Additionally, our community of customers provides ratings and reviews of the services provided by specialists, ensuring that you hire a reliable and qualified professional.

How is payment for services and electricians found on inDrive.Services handled?

The payment process is simple and transparent. After selecting a suitable electrician, you can discuss the preferred payment method directly with the professional. Payment is made directly to the electrician, without platform interference. This provides a transparent and convenient process for both parties.
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