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Garbage removal in Almaty

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4.5 de 5
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"Eliminar la basura" en Алматы

Мейрлан Б.

38 reseñas
84 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Опыт работы 10лет.
спасибо большое за выполненную работу, сделали всё добросовестно, рекомендую
Виталий Андрис, hace 4 meses

Любовь Ц.

6 reseñas
12 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Здравствуйте.Имеем большой опыт работы.Не имеем вредных привычек.К работе подходим ответственно.Если вы приняли наше предложение будьте готовы по окончанию работы сразу ее оплатить.Не спешите сеять негатив и оставлять отрицательные отзывы.Если вам что-то не понравилось свяжитесь напрямую.Мы всегда все исправим.
Приехали в назначенное время, оперативно все вынесли, очень вежливые! Спасибо!
Зарина, hace 4 meses

Ерлан Х.

30 reseñas
60 solicitudes
Identidad verificada
Ассалаумагалейкум,казах 26лет Опыт имеетсья:грузчиком,курьером,сборка(разборка) мебели,в компютерной технике)))
жаксы жигит айтты истеди артық ақша сұраған жоқ Жұмыстарынызды сеніп тапсырсаныздар болады
Ербол Марден, hace 3 meses
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Con el servicio “Eliminar la basura” en Ciudad de Алматы

Servicios en Ciudad de Алматы



Preguntas frecuentes

“Eliminar la basura” en Ciudad de Алматы

What does the Construction waste removal service offered on inDrive.Services entail?

The Construction waste services offered on our platform involve efficient and safe removal of waste from various locations in Almaty. Here, you have access to a network of specialized professionals responsible for collecting and properly disposing of waste in accordance with all environmental and regulatory standards. This helps prevent pollution and negative impacts on both health and the environment.

What is the payment method for Construction waste removal specialists from inDrive.Services, without platform mediation?

The payment method for Construction waste removal specialists from inDrive.Services is arranged directly with the professional or company providing the service. Our platform does not mediate payments, allowing you to easily negotiate directly with the service provider and choose the option that best suits your needs.

How can I request a Construction waste removal specialist in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

Requesting a Construction waste removal specialist in Almaty through inDrive.Services is simple and convenient. Just follow these steps:
  • Access our online platform or use the app.

  • Find the "Construction waste removal" category.

  • Create an order, providing details such as location, quantity of waste, and preferred times.

  • Explore the profiles of specialists who respond to your service order and choose the one that best meets your needs.

  • Communicate directly with the chosen specialist to discuss the details of your order.

What are the advantages of hiring specialists through inDrive.Services?

Hiring Construction waste removal specialists through inDrive.Services offers several advantages, such as:
  • Easy access to qualified professionals in waste collection.

  • Flexibility in choosing a specialist based on your specific needs.

  • Direct negotiation of prices and payment methods.

  • Access to reviews and recommendations from other clients to ensure service quality.

Are professionals required to sweep or wash the area after waste removal?

We recommend discussing any additional cleaning needs directly with the specialist and agreeing on the details before choosing a specialist.

Why is it safe to hire a Construction waste removal specialist in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a Construction waste removal specialist in Almaty through inDrive.Services is safe for several reasons:
  • Rigorous Selection Process: All waste removal specialists on our platform go through a thorough selection process. We verify their documentation for safety.

  • Honest Reviews on Specialists: Each specialist has a profile with reviews and feedback from previous clients. This provides a transparent view of the quality of services provided. Additionally, we encourage clients to leave feedback after the completion of the service.
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‘Eliminar la basura’

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