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Dry cleaning in Almaty

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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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What services does dry cleaning in Almaty provide through inDrive.Services?

Dry cleaners in Almaty, available through inDrive.Services, offer a wide range of services, including chemical dry cleaning of clothes, blankets, curtains, car seats, and other textile items.

How can I order dry cleaning services in Almaty through inDrive.Services?

To order dry cleaning services in Almaty through our platform, you need to follow simple steps: visit the website or app, select the "Dry Cleaning" service, fill out a brief form with details of your request, submit the request, and receive proposals from professional dry cleaners.

What types of clothing can be sent for dry cleaning through inDrive.Services in Almaty?

The dry cleaning service through inDrive.Services in Almaty allows you to send various types of clothing for cleaning, including suits, dresses, coats, shirts, trousers, and other types of textile items.

What are the average turnaround times for dry cleaning orders in Almaty?

Turnaround times for dry cleaning orders in Almaty can vary depending on the complexity of the order and the workload of the dry cleaner. Typically, turnaround times range from 1 to 3 days.

How can I find out the cost of dry cleaning services through inDrive.Services in Almaty?

The cost of dry cleaning services in Almaty depends on the type of clothing or item, size, degree of soiling, and other factors. You can inquire about the cost by filling out the request form and receiving proposals from professional dry cleaners.

Can I order express dry cleaning services through inDrive.Services in Almaty?

Yes, many dry cleaners available through inDrive.Services offer express dry cleaning services with expedited order completion within 24 hours or less.

What advantages does inDrive.Services offer for ordering dry cleaning services in Almaty?

Advantages include:
  • Easy ordering process: simply fill out the request form on the website or app.

  • Quick responses: receive proposals from dry cleaners shortly after submitting the request.

  • Choice: select a dry cleaner based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, or price that matches your requirements.

  • Price negotiations: you set the price or choose when dry cleaners offer their prices. You and the dry cleaner agree on all order details and discuss the price without platform mediation.

  • Verified professionals: all dry cleaners undergo identity and qualification checks before being available for order.
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