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Hair lamination in Karaganda

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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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“Laminado de cabello” en Ciudad de Караганда

How do you do lamination on hair?

Hair lamination can be done at home or in a salon, and the process typically includes the following steps:
Preparation: Wash the hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any residue.
Application: Evenly apply the laminating mixture throughout the hair.
Processing: Allow the mixture to sit for about 30 to 45 minutes while covering the hair with a shower cap or warm towel.
Heat Activation: In a salon, heat from a straightening iron or blow dryer is used to seal the cuticles and activate the lamination process.
Rinse: Thoroughly rinse the hair to remove any excess product.

What does hair lamination provide?

Hair lamination offers several benefits, including:
Improved Smoothness and Shine: Hair becomes glossier and smoother after the treatment.
Enhanced Hydration and Elasticity: It helps retain moisture, making hair more elastic and less prone to breakage.
Protection: Forms a protective layer around each hair strand, reducing damage from environmental factors like UV rays and pollutants.
Reduction in Frizz and Tangles: Laminated hair is easier to manage, with less frizz and fewer tangles.
Split End Prevention: Helps seal the ends of the hair, preventing split ends.
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