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Flat and house renovation in Karaganda

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7 especialistas respondieron.
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119 MXN

María K.5.0(29)

136 MXN

Francisco L.5.0(32)

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Los especialistas calificaron
4.0 y superior en el servicio “Renovación de departamentos y casas”

Crea una solicitud y recibe respuestas de estos y otros especialistas

Адилжан А.
Identidad verificada

54 solicitudes30 reseñas

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Сделал санузел(раздельный) под ключ. Всё идеально! Советую!

Мурат Ш.
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151 solicitudes78 reseñas

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Мастер своего дела. Работай полностью довольна.

Айбек Х.
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3 solicitudes3 reseñas

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Жаксы жумыс жасайды Оз жумысынын Маманы

Марлен Т.
Identidad verificada

7 solicitudes3 reseñas

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Ответственный. Выполнил всё как и обещал в срок! Остались довольны!

Асхат С.
Identidad verificada

4 solicitudes3 reseñas

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Быстро качественно, профессионал своего дела

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Con el servicio “Renovación de departamentos y casas” en Ciudad de Караганда

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Preguntas frecuentes

“Renovación de departamentos y casas” en Ciudad de Караганда

What is included in the home repair service?

The home repair service in Karaganda includes a wide range of improvements and transformations for both apartments and houses. This encompasses tasks such as furniture installation, carpentry work, electrical installations, plumbing, painting, and laying of floor and tile coverings. Whether you're looking for a small update or a complete renovation, our platform connects you with experienced professionals capable of meeting your repair needs.

What is the average cost of home renovation in Karaganda?

The cost of home renovation in Karaganda can vary depending on factors such as the project's scale, material choices, and the size of the renovation area. Pricing is not universal, as each project is unique. We recommend requesting a personalized quote to get an accurate estimate.

How can I hire a renovation specialist in Karaganda through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a specialist through inDrive.Services is a simple and efficient process:
  • Fill out a brief form to submit your request and outline your needs to professionals.

  • Approximately 5 minutes* after submitting your request, you'll begin receiving proposals from experts.

  • Choose a suitable contractor based on their rating, reviews, portfolio, and prices.

What are the advantages of hiring a renovation specialist on inDrive.Services?

  • Simple ordering process: You only need to fill out a short form to place an order.

  • Fast responses from masters: Receive initial proposals from specialists within approximately 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Informed choice: Choose a specialist based on their rating, reviews, portfolio, or prices that align with your preferences.

  • Direct negotiations: You are in control. The client sets the price or chooses the option when specialists propose their prices, after which the client and specialist discuss all the details of the order and negotiate the price directly, without platform intervention.

What payment methods are available for home renovation services in Karaganda on the inDrive.Services platform?

Our payment process is transparent and economical. You can discuss payment terms directly with the professional that best suits your project. All payments are made directly to the specialist, without intermediaries from the platform. These terms may include installment payments or a one-time payment upon project completion. The key is a mutual agreement on payment terms.

Why can I trust the home renovation services provided by inDrive.Services?

At inDrive.Services, we prioritize excellent customer service and the selection of qualified specialists. All specialists offering their services on the platform undergo rigorous checks during registration to confirm their reliability and experience. Additionally, we provide a rating and customer review system to give you all the necessary information when choosing a specialist for your renovation project. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.

Is it necessary to hire an engineer for my home renovation project in Karaganda?

While it is not mandatory, in some cases, it is recommended. Seeking the services of an engineer can bring various benefits as they possess the technical knowledge for planning and executing renovations in a safe and efficient manner, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations.
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