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Com o serviço "Pintores" na cidade de Актау
Perguntas frequentes
'Instalação de drywall' na cidade de Актау
What does drywall installation in Aktau include?
It involves attaching drywall sheets to a metal or wooden frame to level walls or create partitions.
What are the advantages of drywall for renovation in Aktau?
Drywall allows for fast and affordable wall leveling and the creation of complex architectural elements.
What is the cost of drywall installation in Aktau?
Prices start from 6,000 KZT per square meter.
How long does drywall installation take in Aktau?
It takes from 1 to 5 days depending on the scope.
How to choose an experienced specialist for drywall installation in Aktau?
You can select a specialist on inDrive.Services, read reviews, and negotiate the price directly.
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