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Com o serviço "Pintores" na cidade de Актау
Perguntas frequentes
'Branqueamento' na cidade de Актау
What does whitewashing in Aktau include?
Whitewashing includes applying lime or chalk solution to ceilings and walls to brighten surfaces and protect them from moisture.
When is it best to whitewash in Aktau?
Whitewashing is recommended for rooms with high ceilings or in areas with high humidity to protect the surfaces.
What is the cost of whitewashing in Aktau?
Prices start from 2,500 KZT per square meter.
How long does whitewashing take in Aktau?
Work takes 1 to 2 days depending on the scope.
How to find a specialist for whitewashing via inDrive.Services in Aktau?
You can select a specialist on the platform by checking reviews from previous clients.
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