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Handyman in Bogotá

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7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

Aceite ofertas de especialistas

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Após finalizar o pedido, conclua-o e avalie o especialista

Os especialistas avaliaram
4.0 e acima no serviço “Serviços gerais”

Crie pedidos e receba feedback destes e de outros especialistas

Eduardo Javier L.
Identidade verificada

3 pedidos2 comentários

Último comentário

Logro resolver el inconveniente....muy profesional

Jhon Carlos C.
Identidade verificada

8 pedidos6 comentários

Último comentário

Demuestra q sabe lo q hace, tiene mucho conocimiento en las labores q ejerce, honesto, sin duda lo recomiendo

Diego Andres A.
Identidade verificada

15 pedidos11 comentários

Último comentário

Excelente servicio y disposición para dejar el trabajo al 100% satisfactorio

Rodrigo Iván A.
Identidade verificada

84 pedidos62 comentários

Último comentário

Es un trabajador muy eficiente, rápido en atender las solicitudes y muy respetuoso.

Diego Manuel B.
Identidade verificada

117 pedidos80 comentários

Último comentário

Fue muy cumplido con la hora de lo cita. Su trabajo fue rápido y muy pulido. Muy amable y servicial.

John fredy B.
Identidade verificada

82 pedidos67 comentários

Último comentário

Contraté a Fredy para pintar mi apartamento y lo hizo contra reloj y on excelente calidad. 100% Recomendable

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Serviços gerais" na cidade de Bogota

Serviços em Bogota



Perguntas frequentes

'Serviços gerais' na cidade de Bogota

What types of services can I request from a "handyman"?

You can request a wide range of services from a handyman, including but not limited to Home Repairs, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Work, and more.

What advantages can I find when hiring a handyman on inDrive.Services?

Simple Ordering Process: Just complete a form to provide details to the specialists.
Quick Responses: In as little as 7 minutes*, you'll receive initial suggestions from qualified professionals.
Informed Decision-Making: Choose a specialist based on their qualifications, reviews, past projects, or prices that match your preferences.
Direct Control: Set the price or choose from multiple options when specialists provide their quotes. Subsequently, you and the specialist engage in direct communication to define the order details and negotiate the price, with no platform intermediaries. Payment is transferred directly from the customer to the specialist.
Verified Experts: Each specialist undergoes a rigorous selection process, including identity verification and background checks.

How can I hire the services of a handyman in Bogotá through inDrive.Services?

Complete a brief form to initiate your service request.
In approximately 7 minutes*, you'll start receiving proposals from qualified professionals.
Choose the most suitable handyman based on their qualifications, reviews, portfolios, and prices.
Receive the service. And don't forget to rate the specialist's work.

Is it safe to hire a professional through inDrive.Services?

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. All professionals on the inDrive.Services platform go through a rigorous verification process, including identity and document checks, to ensure your trust in the professionals you find on our platform. To further bolster your confidence in these professionals, we offer a system of customer ratings and reviews for the services provided, providing you with comprehensive information to select the right professional.

Are maintenance professionals in Bogotá available for emergency services outside of regular hours?

Yes, some maintenance professionals are available for emergency services outside of their regular working hours, offering greater flexibility to meet your needs. When scheduling the service, make sure to have the option to select a time that suits your schedule, including weekends and holidays.

What is the average price of handyman services in Bogotá?

The average price of handyman services in Bogotá can vary significantly depending on the specific services you need, the complexity of the tasks, and the handyman's experience. Additionally, factors such as the location within Bogotá, necessary materials, and the duration of the work can influence the cost.
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‘Serviços gerais’

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