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Flat and house renovation in Cali

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Reparos em apartamentos e casas" na cidade de Cali

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Serviços em Cali



Perguntas frequentes

'Reparos em apartamentos e casas' na cidade de Cali

What does the home renovation service in Cali include?

The home renovation service in Cali encompasses a wide variety of improvements and transformations for both apartments and houses. This includes tasks such as masonry work, carpentry, electrical installations, plumbing, painting, and the installation of floors and tiles. Whether you're looking for a minor facelift or a complete renovation, our platform connects you with qualified professionals who can meet your renovation needs.

What is the typical cost of renovating a residence in Cali?

The cost of renovating a residence in Cali can vary depending on factors such as the scale of the project, material choices, and the size of the renovation area. Prices are not uniform, as each project is unique. We recommend requesting a personalized quote to get an accurate estimate.

How can I hire a renovation specialist in Cali through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a specialist through inDrive.Services is a simple and efficient process:
  • Complete a short form to submit your request and detail your needs to professionals.

  • In approximately 5 minutes* or less*, you will start receiving proposals from experts.

  • Select the right contractor based on their qualifications, reviews, services offered, and prices.

What are the advantages of hiring a renovation specialist on inDrive.Services?

  • Simple Ordering Process: All you need to do is complete a short form to place your order.

  • Quick Responses: Receive initial offers from specialists in about 5 minutes** after submitting your request.

  • Informed Decision: Choose a specialist based on qualifications, reviews, services offered, or prices that fit your preferences.

  • Price Negotiation: You have control. The customer sets the price or selects the option when specialists propose their prices, and then the customer and the specialist discuss all the details of the order and negotiate the price directly, without platform intervention. Payment is also made directly from the customer to the specialist.

What are the payment methods for home renovation services in Cali available on inDrive.Services?

Our payment process is transparent and cost-effective. You can directly negotiate payment terms with the professional that best fits your project. All payments are made directly to the specialist, without platform intermediaries. These terms may include installment payments or a single payment upon project completion. The key is to ensure mutual agreement on the payment conditions.

Is it necessary to vacate the residence during a renovation project?

The decision to stay or temporarily move out of the residence during a renovation depends on the details and nature of the project. Some projects may require residents to move temporarily to ensure safety and efficient progress of the work.
We understand that dust, the use of certain products, and handling specific items can affect your well-being, so it is advisable to discuss this with the responsible professional before starting.

Why can I trust the home renovation services offered by inDrive.Services?

At inDrive.Services, we prioritize excellent customer service and the selection of qualified professionals. All specialists offering their services on the platform undergo rigorous verifications during registration to ensure their reliability and expertise. Additionally, we provide a customer rating and review system to give you comprehensive information when choosing a professional for your renovation project. Your satisfaction and safety are our top concerns.

Do I need to hire an engineer for my home renovation project in Cali?

While it's not mandatory, in some cases, it's advisable. Hiring the services of an engineer can bring various benefits, as they have the technical knowledge to plan and execute renovations safely and efficiently, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations. It's recommended to discuss these details with the specialist who will carry out the renovation of your residence before the service begins. You can also consult local authorities to determine when it's mandatory to hire an engineer.
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‘Reparos em apartamentos e casas’

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