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Chinês em Алматы

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Perguntas frequentes

'Chinês' na cidade de Алматы

How long will it take to learn Chinese?

The time required to learn Chinese depends on the initial level of knowledge, learning goals, intensity of study and the individual abilities of the student. The US Foreign Service Institute estimates that it takes approximately 2,200 hours of instruction, or 88 weeks of intensive study, to achieve proficiency in Chinese. This is due to the fact that Chinese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn, especially for speakers of European languages. At entry level (HSK 1-2) it may take around 150-300 hours of study to learn basic vocabulary and grammar. For intermediate level (HSK 3-4) you will need another 300-600 hours to communicate confidently on everyday topics. To achieve a high level (HSK 5-6), allowing you to read and understand complex texts fluently, an additional 600-1000 hours will be required. It is important to remember that regular practice and immersion in the language environment can significantly speed up the learning process. As a result, the exact time it takes to learn Chinese can vary greatly depending on individual effort and learning methods.

What does a lesson with a Chinese tutor in Almaty include?

Chinese language lesson includes several key components aimed at the comprehensive development of language skills. First, grammar - the study of sentence structure, the use of particles, tenses and other grammatical rules. Secondly, vocabulary - expanding vocabulary through learning new words and phrases, their meaning and use in different contexts. Thirdly, characters are an important aspect of the Chinese language, including the study of characters, their writing and reading. Fourth, listening - listening and understanding audio materials, such as dialogues, lectures or news, followed by discussion and analysis. Fifthly, speaking practice - the development of oral speech skills through dialogues, monologues, role-playing games and discussions on various topics. Sixth, writing exercises - developing writing skills through writing essays, letters and other texts. Seventh, cultural aspects - the study of Chinese culture, traditions and customs, which helps to better understand the context of language use. All these components are interconnected and complement each other, ensuring comprehensive mastery of the Chinese language.
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