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Babysitters in Bogotá

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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Babás" na cidade de Bogota

Serviços em Bogota



Perguntas frequentes

'Babás' na cidade de Bogota

What services do the babysitters offer?

Babysitters can offer a wide range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. These services can include occasional or regularly scheduled care, encompassing interactive activities, reading, educational activities, meal preparation, nap supervision, school transportation, basic child-related care, and necessary supervision.

Is it safe to hire a babysitter in Bogotá through inDrive.Services?

Your safety is our top priority. We conduct thorough assessments of every potential babysitter on our platform, including comprehensive checks of their identification documents and criminal backgrounds to ensure your peace of mind.

Do you offer occasional childcare services for evening events?

Absolutely! Whether you need a trustworthy caregiver for a date, a work-related event, or another special occasion, you can easily find a qualified babysitter in Bogotá on our platform without committing to a long-term agreement.

How can I arrange babysitting services through inDrive.Services?

Follow these simple steps to hire a babysitter in Bogotá:
Start by selecting your location and then choose the service category, in this case, babysitter.
Complete a brief form to provide specialists with the details of your request.
Submit your request and wait to receive proposals from babysitters in approximately 7 minutes*.
Select the most suitable babysitter based on their qualifications, reviews, portfolio, profile, and price.
Contact the chosen caregiver and discuss the specifics and unique requirements of your request.
Receive the service, mark it as completed, and rate the babysitter. This feedback is invaluable for other customers making informed decisions before hiring the service.

What is the average cost of babysitting services in Bogotá?

Typical rates for qualified babysitters in Bogotá generally range from 10,000 to 20,000 pesos per hour. Prices may vary based on the babysitter's experience, the number of children in their care, and any special requirements.

What are the advantages of inDrive.Services as a platform to find the ideal babysitter in Bogotá?

There are numerous compelling reasons to try our service:

Save time with our quick and easy service request process.
Receive quotes from professional babysitters in just 7 minutes*.
Choose the best caregivers based on authentic reviews, proven experience, and prices that fit your needs.
Maintain control over costs by negotiating the final budget directly with the babysitter, eliminating intermediaries.
Work with trusted professionals. On our platform, you'll find babysitters who have undergone 100% identity and background verification.

How can I provide feedback or write a review for a babysitter I've hired?

Once the childcare service is completed, you can leave feedback and a review for the babysitter on our platform. Your feedback is essential in helping other parents make informed decisions when selecting a caregiver.
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