Você está em Bogota?

Housekeeper in Bogotá

Preço médio para este serviço
COP 60.000 — COP 80.000
Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.9 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Diarista" em Bogota

Margarita G.

1 comentário
1 pedido
Identidade verificada
Tengo más de tres años trabajando como empleada doméstica, puedo ayudarte con el cuidado de adultos mayores, niños pequeños, limpieza del hogar, se lavar, cocinar, y también colaborar con las cosas de la casa
Es una chica muy honesta y responsable no tengo quejas de ella la súper recomiendo
Jazmin Gisella Galindo Osorio, há 10 dias

Daniela R.

1 comentário
2 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Más de 5 años de experiencia en casas de familia
Super recomendada! Muy puntual, rápida, con buena actitud y excelente limpieza !!!
juan pablo, há 1 mês

Patricio L.

2 comentários
3 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Cuento con mas de 7 años de experiencia en el rubro, enfocado en brindar un buen servicio al cliente y a la vez, mi experiencia me perfila como una buena opción a sus necesidades y requerimientos. Mi perfil ofrece servicios en: - Servicios generales, limpieza y mantenimiento. - Mantenimiento en obra civil menor. Servicios: - Personal de servicios generales para su hogar o sector comercial - Limpieza de balcones - Limpieza de ventanas vidrios - Mantenimiento de areas comunes Obra Civil y Construcción menor: - Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de localidades - Cielo Raso y acabado interior - Impermeabilizacion: Cubiertas Fachadas - Elaboracion de registros zonas comunes residenciales - Pintura Interior y exterior - Adecuaciones en general - Acabados exteriores y limpieza al termino de obras.
Hizo un trabajo de calidad, muy recomendado Muy detallista en sus labores
YAKELINE, há 17 dias
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Diarista" na cidade de Bogota

Serviços em Bogota



Perguntas frequentes

'Diarista' na cidade de Bogota

How can I find a reliable and experienced housekeeper in my area?

You can find a reliable and experienced housekeeper in your area by using inDrive.Services, where you can browse profiles, read reviews, and compare qualifications to make an informed choice.

How to Request Services through inDrive.Services:

  • Complete a brief form, providing specialists with details of your request.
  • Submit your request and start receiving proposals from specialists within an average response time of 7 minutes*.
  • Choose the most suitable specialist based on their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and pricing.
  • Connect with your chosen specialist to discuss all the order details.
  • Receive the service, mark it as completed, and remember to leave a review. Your feedback aids other clients in making informed decisions.

What are the advantages of the inDrive.Services Platform?

  • Easy Ordering: You only need to fill out a concise form to place your order.
  • Swift Responses: Receive initial offers from specialists within 7 minutes* of submitting your request.
  • Well-Informed Choices: Select a specialist based on ratings, reviews, portfolios, or prices that align with your preferences.
  • Direct Negotiation: Negotiate all terms, including the price, directly with the chosen specialist without involving the platform.
  • Verified Specialists: All our specialists go through a verification process, including identity and criminal record checks.

How often should I employ a housekeeper in Bogotá?

The ideal frequency for hiring a housekeeper largely depends on the lifestyle and needs of your family or yourself. If you have a large family, children, or pets, daily or at least three times a week may be necessary to maintain order. Conversely, if you live alone or have a busy schedule, weekly or bi-weekly visits may suffice.

What distinguishes a housekeeper from a cleaning lady in Bogotá?

While both are professional cleaners, the primary distinction lies in the frequency and nature of the arrangement. A cleaning lady is usually hired for specific days, such as once, twice, or even thrice a week, and is compensated on a daily basis. Conversely, a housekeeper, often referred to as a maid or caretaker, provides more continuous services, typically on a daily or five-day-a-week basis, and generally has a more formalized employment relationship with guaranteed labor rights.

What is the average price for housekeeping services in Bogotá?

Various factors impact the cost of hiring a housekeeper. Your home's size and location, the complexity of tasks, and the cleaner's experience and specialization all wield significant influence. For instance, a home with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms or specific amenities like a swimming pool or garden may command a higher fee. Likewise, professionals with years of experience or specialized skills, such as cleaning delicate surfaces, may charge higher rates for their services.

When is the best time to engage a housekeeper in Bogotá?

The optimal time to hire a cleaner is when you sense that maintaining your home is affecting your quality of life or monopolizing too much of your free time. Furthermore, hiring a professional for special occasions like parties or events ensures that everything is in pristine condition.
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