Você está em Cali?

Mecânicos de veículos em Cali

Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.7 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Mecânicos de veículos" em Cali

Jeffer Luis C.

1 comentário
2 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Reparación automotriz en general, motor, suspensión, frenos, cajas automáticas, latonería pintura, Scanner,servicios adicionales de domicilio,
excelente atención. muy honrado y honesto...super recomendado
Erick Jose Gonzalez Hernandez, há 6 meses

Miguel Andres C.

66 comentários
103 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Más de cinco años en los servicios que prestó al cliente.. facilidad de transporte para los repuestos pequeños..más comodidad para el cliente..muy honesto y respetuoso ... contratación directamente con el dueño..no intermediarios..no ingenieros..soy contratista
muy confiable excelente para trabajar le di dinero y trajo todo, muy puntual, muchas gracias por su servicio
Andrés Felipe Hernandez Sierra, há 9 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Mecânicos de veículos" na cidade de Cali

Serviços em Cali



Perguntas frequentes

'Mecânicos de veículos' na cidade de Cali

How do I find the ideal mechanic for my vehicle in Cali?

To find the ideal mechanic in Cali, simply access the inDrive.Services platform and follow these simple steps:
  • Select the 'Vehicle Mechanics' service and describe the details of the service you need.

  • Explore the profiles of available specialists and review ratings from other customers.

  • Choose the mechanic that best suits your needs and contact them to finalize the details.

Are vehicle mechanics services in Cali, offered on inDrive.Services, provided by independent specialists or specialized companies?

Both independent specialists and specialized companies offer vehicle mechanics services on inDrive.Services in Cali. This gives you the flexibility to choose the professional that best suits your needs.

Can I request an invoice from specialists on inDrive.Services for the repair services on my vehicle?

Most professionals on inDrive.Services issue invoices for the services provided. In cases where the specialist cannot issue an invoice, you can request a receipt to ensure a formal record of the work done. However, it's important to clarify this with the professional before hiring the service.

Can I find routine inspection services in Cali on inDrive.Services even if my vehicle does not have any issues?

Yes, you can find routine inspection services on inDrive.Services even if your vehicle does not have specific problems. This is an excellent way to keep maintenance up to date and identify potential issues before they become more serious.

How can I determine if the amount I am paying for the mechanic service on inDrive.Services is fair?

A good way to assess if you are paying a fair price is to compare quotes from different mechanics and check if the prices are in line with the market. Additionally, inDrive.Services provides reviews from other customers to support the choice of a professional charging appropriate prices.

What are the main advantages of hiring vehicle mechanics services through inDrive.Services?

When hiring vehicle mechanics services through inDrive.Services, you enjoy several advantages:
  • Access to qualified and reliable mechanics with reviews from previous customers to support your choice.

  • Quick and efficient hiring process, with proposals from verified specialists in just 7 minutes*.

  • Easy payment options for your convenience.

What are the most common vehicle mechanics services?

The most common vehicle mechanics services include routine maintenance, engine diagnosis and repair, cooling system service, transmission service, and brake system service.

Can I get a vehicle mechanic to assist me outside of business hours?

Yes, on inDrive.Services, you can find vehicle mechanics available to assist you outside of business hours. There are mechanics on the platform who offer assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ensuring you can get help whenever you need it, even on weekends and holidays.
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‘Mecânicos de veículos’

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