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Manicure and pedicure in Cali

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7 especialistas responderam.
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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Manicure e pedicure" na cidade de Cali

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Perguntas frequentes

'Manicure e pedicure' na cidade de Cali

What are the various options available for manicures in Cali?

You have a variety of manicure options at your disposal, all tailored to your preferences and needs. These options include classic French manicures, long-lasting gel manicures, intricate nail art, relaxing hand and foot massages, acrylic or gel shellac treatments, and much more. Each contributes to maintaining beautiful and healthy nails.

What are the advantages of choosing a professional for manicure and pedicure services?

Hiring a professional manicurist comes with numerous advantages. Professional manicurists are well-versed in proper nail care techniques and use high-quality products. Additionally, the experience is relaxing, giving you a chance to unwind. A professional manicurist ensures the durability of your manicure and the impeccable condition of your nails.

Is it safe to hire a manicurist in Cali through inDrive.Services?

We understand your concerns, and we are committed to ensuring your safety when hiring professionals from our platform. That's why we conduct a rigorous evaluation of each manicurist applicant before approving their profile, including verifying their identification and criminal background.

How can I find a nearby manicure and pedicure service in Cali on inDrive.Services?

On our platform, finding the perfect manicure and pedicure service is as simple as making a wish. Just follow these simple steps:
  • When you enter our platform, it will ask if you are in Cali. If so, select the service category, in this case, manicure and pedicure. If you are in another city, click "No," choose your city, and then the service category.

  • Complete a brief form to provide manicurists with details about your request.

  • Submit the request and expect proposals from manicurists in approximately 5 minutes* (this is the average response time for initial responses).

  • Select the most suitable manicurist considering their ratings, reviews, portfolio, profile, and price. Make an informed decision.

  • Contact the selected manicurist and discuss the specific details and needs of your request.

  • Receive the service. After getting your manicure and pedicure service, mark it as completed and rate the manicurist. This helps other customers make informed decisions before hiring the service.

What is the typical price range for a manicure in Cali?

The cost of a manicure in Cali can vary based on various factors such as the type of treatment, chosen enhancements like nail polish, paraffin treatment, hand massage, the manicurist's experience, and the service's location. On average, prices typically range from COP $25,000 to COP $120,000. We recommend checking specific prices on the profiles of specialists on our platform, as some may offer special promotions.

What are the advantages of using inDrive.Services to find the perfect manicure and pedicure specialist in Cali?

Using our platform ensures you select the right manicurist, ensuring your nails look beautiful and healthy. Here are several reasons to consider our service:
  • Save time with our quick and straightforward service request process.

  • Receive quotes from professional manicurists in just 5 minutes**.

  • Choose the best manicurist based on real reviews, proven experience, and prices that fit your needs.

  • You control costs. Negotiate the final budget directly with manicurists, with no intermediaries involved.

  • Trusted professionals. On our platform, you'll find manicurists who are 100% verified for their identity and background.

What are the key benefits of hiring a manicurist from inDrive.Services?

Explore the advantages we offer:
  • Easy service request: Simply complete a quick form to make your request.

  • Quick responses: Receive initial offers from manicurists within 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Informed decision-making: Select a manicurist based on ratings, reviews, portfolios, or prices that suit your needs.

  • Price negotiation: You're in control. Clients set the price or select options when manicurists propose their prices.

  • Trusted experts: All manicurists go through verification, including identity and background checks.
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‘Manicure e pedicure’

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