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Ayurvedic massage Cali

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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'Massagem ayurvédica' na cidade de Cali

What is the difference between Swedish and Ayurvedic massage?

The techniques, goals, and underlying philosophies of Swedish and Ayurvedic massage differ most from one another. Swedish massage includes methods including friction, tapping, and kneading to improve circulation and relax the muscles. It seeks to reduce stress and encourage physical relaxation. Ayurvedic massage, on the other hand, is based on age-old Indian therapeutic practices and employs particular strokes and warm, herb-infused oils to balance the body's doshas (energetic forces). In addition to improving general wellbeing and energy balance, Ayurvedic massage attempts to harmonize the mind and spirit in addition to relaxing the body. Thus, although they both promote relaxation, Ayurvedic massage offers a comprehensive approach to well-being.

What is the average price for an Ayurvedic massage in Cali?

In Cali, the cost of an Ayurvedic massage varies based on the spa or wellness center, the length of the session, and the style of massage that is provided. For a typical session, you should budget between 150,000 and 300,000 Colombian Pesos (between $40 and $80 USD). Certain upscale businesses or specialized services could charge extra. To make sure you obtain a high-quality therapy that is worthwhile of the investment, it is advisable to investigate and compare various providers, read reviews, and take the therapists' credentials and expertise into consideration.
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