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Phones and pads repair in Cali

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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Com o serviço "Reparo de celulares e tablets" na cidade de Cali

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Serviços em Cali



Perguntas frequentes

'Reparo de celulares e tablets' na cidade de Cali

What brands and models of mobile phones and tablets are serviced by repair specialists in Cali?

Technicians are proficient in servicing a variety of brands and models, including popular ones like Apple, Samsung, Google, and various Android devices. If you have a specific device that requires repair, you can specify the brand and model when creating your service request.

What are the most common issues found in mobile devices and tablets?

Common issues often involve broken screens, battery problems, unresponsive buttons, charging complications, and software failures. It is also common to encounter devices damaged by water exposure and various other accidents.

How do I know if my device is beyond repair, and it's time to replace it?

If your mobile device or tablet experiences severe problems frequently, such as recurrent hardware failures, severe water damage, or if it is outdated and no longer meets your needs, it might be more cost-effective to consider a replacement. inDrive.Services technicians can help you assess the situation and provide recommendations on whether to repair or replace.

How can I hire a technician for mobile devices or tablet repair in Bogotá through inDrive.Services?

  • Register on the platform to conveniently access a variety of technicians that will simplify your search and service.

  • Describe your issue by creating a service request.

  • Choose the specialist that best fits your needs.

  • Contact the chosen specialist directly to finalize the details.

What is the average price for mobile device repairs in Bogotá?

Repair costs can vary depending on your device model and the magnitude of the problem. Overall, we offer competitive and transparent prices. For a more accurate cost estimate for your specific case, we recommend getting in touch with specialists on inDrive.Services and providing detailed information about your device and the encountered issue.

What are the benefits of hiring a mobile device maintenance technician in Bogotá through the inDrive.Services platform?

  • Easy Order: Fill out a brief form to provide details about your request to specialists.

  • Quick Responses: In just 5 minutes**, you will start receiving proposals from experts. We value your time!

  • Tailored Choice: Choose the right technician for your project, using qualifications, reviews, portfolios, or prices, granting you complete autonomy.

  • Verified Specialists: The safety of all our users is a priority; therefore, every specialist registered on inDrive.Services undergoes a verification process, including identity and criminal background checks.

What is the payment process for smartphone and tablet repairs on inDrive.Services?

inDrive.Services does not interfere in the payment process, so you pay directly to the technician upon device delivery or use electronic payment methods agreed upon with the specialist. It's important to clarify payment details with the technician to ensure a smooth transaction process.
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‘Reparo de celulares e tablets’

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