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Welders in Cali

Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.4 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Soldadores" em Cali

Adiel Jose S.

4 comentários
5 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Electromecánico industrial , electricista , todo lo relacionado con la soldadora, plomería, perforaciones para todo tipo de anclajes y todo lo relacionado con arreglos y reparaciones locativas, servicio de transporte , dentro y fuera de la ciudad, fabricación de ascensores para personas discapacitadas o adultos mayores con problemas de movilidad
Excelente profesional. Llegó rápidamente y su trato siempre fue cordial y muy alegre. El trabajo de soldadura quedó muy bien. Muy recomendado.
Pilar Perez, há 5 dias

Ruben L.

4 comentários
8 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Cuento con más de 15. Años en el arte de la metalmecanica contamos con la experiencia y la herramienta adecuada para estructuras metálicas y carpintería metálicas
Excelente servicio, atención, tiempo y equipo de trabajo. muchas gracias ruben
Steffany Ortiz, há 9 meses

Wilmar Andres V.

69 comentários
102 pedidos
Identidade verificada
15 años de experiencia como oficial Trabajo soldadura. Estructuras,rejas ,pasamanos,escalas,pue puertas. Vidrios corte instalación ventanas cabinas de baño.instalación y armado de cualquier tipo de mueble mantenimiento,pintura de apartamentos , cambio de chapas, instalación de soporte de tv.
Excelente el trabajo se complicó y soluciono 1000% recomendado
Davis Fortin, há 8 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Soldadores" na cidade de Cali

Serviços em Cali



Perguntas frequentes

'Soldadores' na cidade de Cali

For what problems should I hire a professional welder?

Welding services encompass a broad spectrum of tasks related to the fusion of materials, particularly metals. The work ranges from basic repairs, like fixing minor fractures, to more intricate projects involving the merging and bonding of metal components to construct durable and long-lasting structures.

What Are the Benefits of Engaging a Welder in Cali via inDrive.Services?

When engaging a welder through inDrive.Services, you can expect the following benefits:
  • Effortless Request Process: Commence your request for welding services by completing a straightforward form, taking just a few minutes of your time.
  • Swift Responses: In as little as 7 minutes*, you'll start receiving proposals from skilled professionals, respecting your time and urgency.
  • Tailored Selection: Opt for the ideal welder for your project, whether it hinges on their ratings, reviews, portfolios, or pricing, giving you full autonomy.
  • Verified Expertise: Your safety ranks as our top priority, so all professionals listed on inDrive.Services go through a comprehensive verification procedure encompassing ID and background checks.
  • Customized Agreement: Negotiate the pricing and handpick the perfect specialist to cater to your needs. The final decision lies with you.

How Can I Arrange Payments for a Welder's Service on inDrive.Services in Cali?

The payment for a welder's service through inDrive.Services is directly coordinated between the client and the professional, completely devoid of platform intermediaries. During the negotiation phase, you and the specialist can mutually agree upon the most convenient and secure payment method, ensuring transparency and cost-efficiency throughout the hiring process.

Is it possible to Find a Welder Available for Work on Holidays and Weekends in Cali?

Indeed, on inDrive.Services, you can explore welders who are readily available to work on holidays and weekends. This ensures your access to welding services precisely when required, even during non-traditional hours. Simply indicate this necessity when composing your service request, and you'll receive responses from professionals capable of accommodating your schedule.

How Can I Procure the Ideal Welder via inDrive.Services?

Hiring the perfect welder through inDrive.Services is a straightforward and expeditious process. Follow these steps:
  • Formulate a service request outlining your welding needs.
  • Choose the welder whose qualifications align best with your project based on their reviews and portfolio.
  • Engage in pricing discussions and finalize the service details directly with the specialist.
  • Schedule the preferred time for the welding service to be executed.

Can I get an estimate for the cost of welding services before hiring a welder?

Yes, you can request estimates from welders before hiring them. When you create your service request, you can specify your budget or ask for quotes. Welders can provide you with estimated costs based on the scope of the project, materials involved, and other relevant factors.
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