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Dry cleaning in Aktobe

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"Lavagem a seco" em Актобе

Жанадил Т.

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КАЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ХИМЧИСТКА МЕБЕЛИ НА ДОМУ! ПОМОГУ ВАМ ИЗБАВИТЬСЯ ОТ РЯДА ПРОБЛЕМ: 🟡Следов пыли и грязи, скапливаемых годами. 🟡Пятен пролитого чая, вина, кофе, сока. 🟡Следов от ручки, маркера, фломастера. 🟡Неприятных, старых запахов. 🟡Сальных и затертых участков. ПОЧЕМУ СТОИТ ДОВЕРИТЬ ХИМЧИСТКУ МЕБЕЛИ ИМЕННО МНЕ? ✅Берусь за химчистку любой сложности. ✅Работаю со всеми видами покрытий, качественно и быстро нейтрализуя неприятные запахи и следы активного использования мебели. ✅Я принимаю заявки 24 на 7, работаю без выходных, отпусков и праздников, готов выехать в любую точку Алматы. ✅Использую профессиональную химию. Подбираю безопасные экологичные чистящие средства, безвредные для детей, взрослых м животных . ✅Профессиональное оборудование. ✅Цены на химчистку мебели вас точно порадуют!
В первую очередь мастер ПРОФЕССИОНАЛ! Сделал как обещал чисто ! Быстро!Качественно! И очень аккуратно! Спасибо большое Вам!
Назерке, há 2 anos

Талгат К.

3 comentários
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Здравствуйте, меня зовут Талгат, мне 25 лет, занимаюсь профессиональной химчисткой мягкой мебели, в этой сфере уже 2 года, используем немецкое оборудование и химия тоже немецкая гиппоаллергенная, также выполняю различные физические работы.
Очень чисто, быстро и не дорого, с немецким оборудованием и химией. Рекомендую
Баhылай Кулаковскай, há 2 anos

Дмитрий В.

6 comentários
6 pedidos
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Топовая химия производства США
Созвонились, подъехал в течении двух часов, быстро сделал химчистку, результат удивил) спасибо.
Аманбек, há 1 ano
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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'Lavagem a seco' na cidade de Актобе

What types of dry cleaning services are available in Aktobe via inDrive.Services?

Dry cleaning services in Aktobe via inDrive.Services cover a wide range of needs, including garments such as suits, dresses, coats, shirts, as well as household items like curtains, bedding, and more.

Why should I choose professional dry cleaning services in Aktobe through inDrive.Services?

We prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure that our dry cleaning specialists are experienced and reliable. By choosing professional dry cleaning services via inDrive.Services, you can expect high-quality results, convenience, and peace of mind knowing your items are in good hands.

How do I find a professional and experienced dry cleaning specialist in Aktobe through inDrive.Services?

Finding a dry cleaning specialist in Aktobe via inDrive.Services is simple:
  • Visit our website or use the inDrive.Services category in inDrive App.

  • Select the dry cleaning service category and provide details about your items.

  • Receive proposals from local specialists and choose the one that best meets your needs.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find a dry cleaning specialist in Aktobe?

Using inDrive.Services to find a dry cleaning specialist in Aktobe offers several advantages:
  • Access to qualified professionals: Choose from a pool of experienced specialists.

  • Fast specialist matching: Connect with local specialists quickly and efficiently - receive their proposals in just 5 minutes*

  • Transparent decision-making: Make informed choices based on ratings, reviews, and profiles.

  • Price control: Negotiate prices directly with specialists to find the best deal.

  • Reliable services: All specialists undergo a thorough verification process for reliability.

Is it safe to book dry cleaning services in Aktobe through inDrive.Services?

Yes, booking dry cleaning services in Aktobe via inDrive.Services is safe. Our platform ensures the reliability and professionalism of specialists through a rigorous verification process, including documents checks and reviews, providing customers with confidence in their service selections.

What is the average cost of dry cleaning services in Aktobe?

The average cost of dry cleaning services in Aktobe varies depending on the type and quantity of items. Through inDrive.Services, you can receive multiple price quotes from specialists, allowing you to compare and choose a service that fits your budget. Additionally, you have the option to negotiate prices directly with the specialist.

How do I pay for dry cleaning services found on inDrive.Services in Aktobe?

Payment for dry cleaning services in Aktobe via inDrive.Services is straightforward. After selecting your specialist and agreeing to the service terms and price, you make the payment directly to them, ensuring a transparent and hassle-free transaction process.

Can I provide feedback about the dry cleaning service received in Aktobe via inDrive.Services?

Absolutely! Your feedback is valuable to us. After receiving dry cleaning services in Aktobe via inDrive.Services, you can provide feedback through the platform, helping us maintain high-quality service standards and improve customer satisfaction.
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