Você está em Шымкент (Чимкент)?

Lavagem a seco em Шымкент (Чимкент)

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Como funciona o inDrive.Services

Serviços gerais

Descreva sua tarefa

Informações do pedido
Cano entupido na pia da cozinha
A descrição ajudará os especialistas a entender o escopo da tarefa mais rapidamente

Escolha o serviço

Escolha seu serviço, descreva a tarefa, adicione detalhes e crie um pedido
7 especialistas responderam.
Escolha o melhor

R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

Aceite ofertas de especialistas

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Aguarde a conclusão do pedido

Após finalizar o pedido, conclua-o e avalie o especialista

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Lavagem a seco" na cidade de Шымкент (Чимкент)

Serviços semelhantes

Serviços em Шымкент (Чимкент)



Perguntas frequentes

'Lavagem a seco' na cidade de Шымкент (Чимкент)

What dry cleaning services are available in Shymkent through inDrive.Services?

In Shymkent through inDrive.Services, you can order various dry cleaning services, including clothing, curtains, car seats, and other textile items.

How does the process of ordering dry cleaning services through inDrive.Services work?

The process of ordering dry cleaning services is simple and convenient. You need to select the "Dry Cleaning" category on our platform, fill out a brief form with the details of your order, submit the request, and within a short time, you will receive offers from specialists.

What are the turnaround times for dry cleaning orders in Shymkent?

The turnaround times for dry cleaning orders may vary depending on the specific order and its volume. Typically, specialists strive to fulfill orders as quickly as possible, but it's best to discuss exact timing with the chosen specialist.

What are the prices for dry cleaning services in Shymkent through inDrive.Services?

Prices for dry cleaning services may vary depending on the type of textile, its condition, and other factors. Typically, specialists provide prices based on your request.

Can I leave a review of the dry cleaning service provided?

Yes, after completing the dry cleaning service, you can leave a review and rating of the work done on the inDrive.Services platform. Your feedback will help other users make informed choices.

What advantages does inDrive.Services offer compared to other dry cleaning services?

inDrive.Services offers several advantages, including a fast and convenient ordering process, the ability to choose the most suitable specialist based on ratings and reviews, as well as the opportunity for direct communication with the service provider and price control without intermediaries.

How can I be sure that the dry cleaning will be done properly?

All dry cleaning specialists on the inDrive.Services platform undergo verification and are regularly evaluated by users. You can also review feedback from previous clients before choosing a specialist.
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‘Lavagem a seco’

inDrive.Serviços em outras cidades

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