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Garbage removal in Shymkent

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4.9 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Remoção de lixo" em Шымкент (Чимкент)

Мейрлан Б.

38 comentários
84 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Опыт работы 10лет.
спасибо большое за выполненную работу, сделали всё добросовестно, рекомендую
Виталий Андрис, há 4 meses

Любовь Ц.

6 comentários
12 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Здравствуйте.Имеем большой опыт работы.Не имеем вредных привычек.К работе подходим ответственно.Если вы приняли наше предложение будьте готовы по окончанию работы сразу ее оплатить.Не спешите сеять негатив и оставлять отрицательные отзывы.Если вам что-то не понравилось свяжитесь напрямую.Мы всегда все исправим.
Приехали в назначенное время, оперативно все вынесли, очень вежливые! Спасибо!
Зарина, há 4 meses

Ерлан Х.

31 comentários
61 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Ассалаумагалейкум,казах 26лет Опыт имеетсья:грузчиком,курьером,сборка(разборка) мебели,в компютерной технике)))
жаксы жигит айтты истеди артық ақша сұраған жоқ Жұмыстарынызды сеніп тапсырсаныздар болады
Ербол Марден, há 3 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Remoção de lixo" na cidade de Шымкент (Чимкент)

Serviços em Шымкент (Чимкент)



Perguntas frequentes

'Remoção de lixo' na cidade de Шымкент (Чимкент)

How can I order construction waste removal service in Shymkent through inDrive.Services?

To order construction waste removal service in Shymkent, simply follow these steps:
  • Go to our platform and specify your location in Shymkent.

  • Fill out the form with details of your construction waste removal request.

  • Submit the request and start receiving offers from specialists within 5 minutes* after submission.

What types of construction waste materials can be removed using inDrive.Services?

Specialists working through the inDrive.Services platform in Shymkent can remove various construction waste materials, including bricks, concrete, wood, metal structures, and much more.

What are the benefits of hiring construction waste removal service through inDrive.Services?

Here are some benefits we offer:
  • Time and effort savings due to the fast service ordering process.

  • Getting offers from verified and qualified specialists in a short period.

  • Flexible specialist selection based on ratings, reviews, portfolio, and price.

  • Budget control: the client sets the price or chooses when specialists offer their prices.

How can I leave a review about the quality of construction waste removal service?

After completing the construction waste removal service, you can leave your review and rating on the inDrive.Services platform. Your feedback will help other clients make informed decisions when choosing a specialist for construction waste removal.

Can I find specialists for construction waste removal service urgently?

Yes, on the inDrive.Services platform in Shymkent, you can find specialists ready to perform construction waste removal service urgently. Just specify the urgency of your request when placing the order.

How is payment for construction waste removal service made?

Payment for construction waste removal service is made directly to the specialist through the inDrive.Services platform after completing the work according to the terms agreed with the client.
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‘Remoção de lixo’

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Torne-se um especialista

Escolha somente pedidos adequados, sugira seus preços e ganhe dinheiro usando suas habilidades
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