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Clothes dry cleaning Almaty

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R$ 35

Ana P.5.0(29)

R$ 40

Marcos L.5.0(32)

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'Lavagem de roupas a seco' na cidade de Алматы

What does the dry cleaning service in Almaty include?

The dry cleaning service in Almaty includes professional stain and dirt removal from various types of fabrics. This is important for those who want to keep their clothing in excellent condition without damaging the material or losing its quality. The dry cleaning process uses specialized chemicals that are safe for fabrics but effectively remove even the most stubborn stains.
The prices for dry cleaning services in Almaty can vary depending on the type of clothing, its material, and the level of contamination. On average, prices start at 2,000 tenge per item of clothing. However, it is recommended to confirm the exact cost with specialists to get the best value for the service.

Is it possible to send clothes to dry cleaning?

Yes, dry cleaning is an excellent way to keep your clothes clean and in great condition. While some people may prefer to clean their clothes at home, professional dry cleaning provides deeper and more effective cleaning, preventing fabric damage. This is especially important for delicate or expensive garments that require special care.
inDrive.Services in Almaty offers a convenient platform to connect with experienced dry cleaning specialists. Here, you can easily and quickly order dry cleaning services, receiving a quality guarantee and professional care for your clothing. By using inDrive.Services, you can be confident that your clothes will be handled with care and attention to detail, and the results will exceed your expectations.
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