Você está em Bogota?

Flat and house renovation in Bogotá

Preço médio para este serviço
COP 40.000 — COP 60.000
Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.3 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Reparos em apartamentos e casas" em Bogota

Maycol Andrez P.

1 comentário
2 pedidos
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Somos un equipo de trabajo con amplia experiencia en el ramo de la construcción especialistas en la instalación de techos pisos y revestimiento de muros construimos casas piscinas reformamos tu apartamento aprovechando al máximo el espacio para que sea el espacio el que se acomode a tus necesidades y no que tú te tengas que acomodar al espacio puedes seguimos en nuestras redes sociales Instagram y facebook como MVL construcciones y acabados recuerda no solo competimos con precios también con calidad
Recomendado es muy educado cumplido manejo un buen precio y realizo un excelente trabajo adicional da garantía de la mano de obra
Liz Téllez, há 2 meses

Yeisson Andres V.

1 comentário
1 pedido
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Ofrezco servicios de intalación de Drywall , superboard , pintura y todo lo relacionado en obra blanca
instalacion Drywall - Especialista en Obra Blanca - Realizo un buen trabajo, bastante cumplido, atento y profesional en su labor.
Juliana, há 2 meses

Roxana Maria O.

2 comentários
3 pedidos
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Buena empresa, y buenos trabajadores me gusto mucho su trabajo, muchas gracias
Enrique, há 3 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

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Com o serviço "Reparos em apartamentos e casas" na cidade de Bogota

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Perguntas frequentes

'Reparos em apartamentos e casas' na cidade de Bogota

What does the home renovation service include?

Our home renovation service in Bogotá covers a wide range of improvements and transformations for both apartments and houses. This includes tasks such as masonry, carpentry, electrical installations, plumbing, painting, and the installation of floors and tiles. Whether you're looking for aesthetic renovations or a complete overhaul, our platform connects you with experts capable of meeting your renovation needs.

How much does it cost to renovate a residence in Bogotá?

The cost of renovating a residence in Bogotá can vary depending on the scope of the project, material choices, and the size of the area to be renovated.

How can I hire a specialist for renovation in Bogotá through inDrive.Services?

Hiring a specialist through inDrive.Services is quick and effective:

Fill out a short form to place your order and explain your needs to the specialists.
In approximately 7 minutes or less*, you will start receiving offers from professionals.
Choose the right contractor based on ratings, reviews, offered services, and prices.

How can I pay for home renovation services in Bogotá that I find on inDrive.Services?

Our payment process is transparent and cost-effective. You can negotiate the most suitable payment terms directly with the professional for your project. All payments are made directly to the specialist, without the platform's intermediation. These terms may include installment payments or a one-time payment upon service completion. The key is to ensure that both parties agree on the payment conditions.

Can home renovation specialists perform additional services beyond the initially agreed budget? Do I need to pay extra for these services?

Any additional services not initially included in the budget should be discussed and agreed upon between you and the professional. Your prior approval is required for each aspect. If additional services are required during the renovation, it's important that both parties agree on the details and the associated additional costs.

Is it necessary to vacate the house during a renovation project?

The decision to stay or leave the residence during a renovation depends on the project's details and nature. Some projects may require residents to temporarily move to ensure safety and efficient progress of the work.

Why can I trust the home renovation experts' services offered by inDrive.Services?

At inDrive.Services, we prioritize excellent customer service and the selection of qualified professionals. All specialists offering their services on the platform undergo rigorous checks during registration to ensure their reliability and skills. Additionally, we provide a customer rating and review system to give you comprehensive information when choosing a professional for your renovation project. Your satisfaction and safety are our top concerns.

It's advisable to discuss these details with the specialist who will renovate your residence before the service begins. You can also consult local authorities to determine when hiring an engineer is mandatory.
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‘Reparos em apartamentos e casas’

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